dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Challenge Petit Bac

Encore un challenge auquel je n'ai su résister ! J'avais décider de ne pas m'inscrire, mais en voyant presque toute la blogosphère s'inscrire, j'étais trop jalouse ! À ce rythme-là, je ne pourrai bientôt plus tenir mes engagements !

Voici donc les règles, concoctées par Enna :

Le principe du Challenge Petit BAC 2011 est le suivant : choisir des romans ayant dans leurs titres un mot correspondant aux différentes rubriques du "Petit BAC". Je vous propose les rubriques suivantes :

Prénom (fille ou garçon) Lieu géographique (ville, pays, continent...) Métier Animal Végétal (plante, fleur, fruit, légume...) Objet Sport / Loisir

7 rubriques, 7 romans... Pas trop contraignant n'est-ce pas?

(Cela dit, si ce n'est pas assez contraignant pour vous, vous pouvez aussi séparer certaines rubriques, ou même vous imposer en plus la même lettre de l'alphabet pour chaque livre... ;-) Vous faites comme vous voulez!

Le challenge que je propose est donc la version la plus simple, avec (au moins) un an pour l'accomplir à compter du 1er janvier 2011.

Voici donc mes choix pour ce challenge :

Prénom : Le journal d'Aurélie Laflamme, de India Desjardins (LAL)
Lieu géographique : Un dimanche à la piscine de Kigali, de Gil Courtemanche (PAL)
Métier : L'infirmière - Henry Denker (PAL)
Animal : Chevaux des dunes- Le trésor de l'acadien- Viateur Lefrançois (PAL)
Végétal : Racines - Alex Haley (PAL)
Objet : Cinq semaines en ballon- Jules Verne (LAL)
Sport / Loisir : Le joueur d'échecs- Stefan Zweig (PAL)

Challenge terminé le 13 septembre 2011 !

Dernière modification le 13 septembre 2011

7 commentaires:

enna a dit…

Je ne connais pas le roman pour ta catégorie "objet" mais j'aime beaucoup le titre! Je suis curieuse de voir ce qu'il cache! Bon challenge!

Natacha a dit…

Désolé mais dès que je vois l'élégance du hérisson, je suis obligé de prévenir que ce livre est décevant lol Bon après c'est mon opinion ! J'aime beaucoup ta liste cela dit !

Isa a dit…

@Enna : Normal, c'est Québécois, et ce n'est pas un roman ! Cela dit, j'adore moi aussi le titre ! :)
@Natacha : C'est drôle, mais je m'attends déjà à être un peu déçue ! Tout le monde l'a tellement vanté ! Mais il est dans ma PAL et il s'insère bien dans le cadre de ce challenge, alors c'est une bonne occasion de le lire !

Vesna a dit…

I wanted to recommend you Tom Jones by Henry Fielding but then I saw that you already have a suitable title. :) I need to read it for British Literature and it's very funny. I intend to mention it in "My Top 5" anyway.
I cross my fingers that I will be able to write you a proper letter. I've send you a small parcel last week so you should get it before Christmas but one can never be sure so I wanted to inform you there is something coming your way.
And how are you doing? Busy busy busy? ;) You will get the whole report about my student's life in the letter. By the way, does it count as a quick reply if you answer after 3 months? This is the question that is on my mind. I mean, it was my idea about quicker replies but I don't obey my own rule so it's a bit tricky. What do you think? For my defence, I can say that university has turned me upside down completely and it took me so long to recover from it and there was nothing in my power to prevent it. I didn't expect it to happen because I didn't know what to expect anyway.
By the way, I hear that L'Elegance du herisson is very popular in France and that the author got very rich and immediately moved to Japan, a country she is in love with. I've read an interview about her and she said that she hates French style of life.

Isa a dit…

@Vesna : I don't know the book Tom Jones, but I'm sure I will be tempted when you talk about it in your top 5 !
Thanks for the parcel. I haven't get it yet, but I'm looking forward to get it ! But now, I feel bad because I didn't send anything ! I could at least have sent you Down Under back. Though there are a few more quotes I which to write down before I send it back to you.
I'm doing good, always busy of course, but I'm about to have three days free so I'm happy ! Don't worry, I think three months is quick since we're both studying and struggling with our schedules ! Sometimes we have to put some things apart and it often has to be the correspondence.
I didn't know about the Muriel Barbery. It's funny. I'm curious to see what contents this book.

Vesna a dit…

No, it's okay. Really. :)
You can send me Down Under whenever you want. You can have it until summer or even longer. I see no problem if you keep it for as long as you need it.
Besides, I also felt bad having 3 books of yours at home so I'm relieved. Now we're even. :)
I won't have any time to read for pleasure during Christmas holidays because I need to read a pile of books for my studies. Luckily, some of them are very short. Still, it will take me a day for each. So no freedom for me, unfortunately.
I wish you a nice little vacation in those three days off.
See you in my letter

Isa a dit…

Well, at least you'll still be reading during the Holidays !
I don't think I'll have to keep Down Under that long, but I do not refuse to keep it a little longer !